Education is one of the parts of human body, as a blood of life. If blood does not work, then human will close their eyes forever, also if you are not educated then you will die every day without valued person. So, as education gives us the strength in our daily activities to overcome our weakness. My education is started from my parents, My father is the first person in my life as being a teacher. He teaches me by joining my hands and teach me a little thing even he is an uneducated person, who have never seen a school in his life. I had joined school when I was a four-year-old in one private school. I studied there only a four-year, then due to my family financial problem I shift my school and joined the government school. I passed my SLC level examination from there and also completed my Intermediate level from the same government school. When I was studied in my school level I found as a good student in the eyes of my teacher. I was one of the intelligent and always am a good morality student in my school. One of the event I can't forget while I was in a school, that time is a class of Jahid Khan sir, who teaches Optional Math, before sir arrive in the classroom my two classmates discuss with each other, and finally their discussion convert into the fight, it was really a terrible time in the class. One of my classmates who got the very serious kick, he takes a knife and hence to another friend, but by the grace of God he evades from his knife and saves his life. At that time, due to this event, the whole school was closed and school restricted that classmate who hence to his friend. I passed my SLC in 2010 with first division. It was so great time with my family that I got these marks by the grace of God. after the SLC I joined for the in the same school and passed it with the good division.
I am so much thankful to my lord Jesus, who always help in my studies and worried for me. He provided everything in my life which need in time. Not all the things which may harm but the things which make me strong in my studies.