“The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.” Proverb 14:27 The purpose driven life; It’s all starts with God. Once again I read this book which made me obligate to think about life purpose, Where God has shown me that He created in His image (Genesis 1:27) and I found that………. God has made me through His own hands with high purpose and for His purpose so we must begin with God who has the awesome plan for my life. In Him my dream, my ambitions, my career etc. is beyond than my thought and visions. So now I am understanding that, God is who have a greater plan to use me for His purpose for glorify His name from my life. I am made by God and for God, it is only in God that I discover my origin, my identity, my meaning, my purpose, my significance and my destiny. God is not just the starting point of my life, He is the source of it. So this is one of the blessing book for me where feel to make the good relationship with God and understand, what should I do? And what is my ambition in my life? And what on earth am I here for? for each day… Bless you all…